Tuesday 9 April 2019

5 Basic Things To Get Rid Of Pest & Fleas

At Lica Home Servicespresents five basic tips or can say the type of chemicals which you can use on a daily basis to Pests & Fleas. There are few things to do in order to keep your house clean, fresh and pest free. Order our services now and get best Pest control In Brisbane.  

1. Sticky Flea Pads and Electronic Traps

Sticky flea pads are similar to the flypaper that many households used decades ago. Generally, it’s attached to an electronic trap that you plug-in near the location that is severely infested with fleas. Fleas are attracted to the trap over a period of weeks and get stuck on the paper. The drawback to using sticky traps is that they appear extremely unsanitary and take a long time to eradicate fleas. It’s important to use traps for a significant period of time to ensure all fleas are captured and that you bathe all animals in the home (as specified above) to reduce the number of parasites living off your pet.

2. Boric-Acid-Based Products

Boric-acid-based products are a highly recommended solution for flea infestations, particularly when there are animals living in the household. Boric acid is not toxic to people or animals, but it kills fleas. When boric-acid-based products are sprinkled on the carpet and throughout the infected household, the extremely fine particles of boric acid work their way into the carpet and are not easily sucked up by vacuum cleaners. The trick is to sprinkle a layer on the carpet and use a broom to work it down into the fibres, and then vacuum off any excess. As fleas come in contact with the particles they quickly die. However, this means that it is extremely important to vacuum the floors regularly to reduce the dead fleas that are in your carpet.

3. Nylar

When it comes to homes with tile, wood or linoleum flooring, many health-conscious individuals choose to use Nylar, aka pyriproxyfen, to eradicate a flea infestation. Nylar regulates the growth of fleas and is commonly used where pets spend most of their time. Nylar only needs to be applied once a year to clean up flea infestation. Nylar is unique in the way it works — it mimics the juvenile flea hormone, preventing young fleas from becoming adults. It also stops flea eggs from hatching, reducing flea populations drastically.

4. Rosemary Flea Dip – DIY

Homemade rosemary flea dip is a DIY recommended a holistic cure for canine flea infestations. You place two cups of fresh rosemary sprigs in boiling water for half an hour, strain the liquid and add it to a gallon of warm water (it must be warm to be effective). You could also add 2-4 drops of rosemary essential oil to your warm water. When the solution is warm, but not too hot, pour it on a flea-infested dog and let the dog air dry. Be sure to not let the dog lick or scratch until it is dry.

5. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender the essential oil can serve as a natural flea killer when it’s applied to dogs. For a 50+ pound dog, you just place one drop of oil at the back of the neck and one at the base of the tail to control flea infestations. For a smaller dog, just start with one drop at the back of the neck to start. A few drops of lavender oil can also be applied to baseboards in areas where flea infestations are troublesome.
Though you can do not have to go through such a lengthy process because it takes loads of your leisure time which you can dedicate to your loved ones. You can just simply order our services and we will take of each and everything.

At Lica Home Services, we give the best pest control services in Brisbane in order to get service at a 20% discount orders our services now.